xcode集成开发环境是运行于Mac苹果电脑上用于开发swift应用程序的工具,利用xcode可以很方便、直观的开发OS X和iOS系统所支持的应用程序。
1 开发环境:
Mac OS 10.11
Xcode 7.3.1
2 用Xcode创建一个swift项目
这里选择Single View application,后续可以用[editor]菜单进行调整。
3 添加导航栏
在main.storyboard中选中默认的viewcontroller,然后单击菜单[Editor]->[Embed in]->[Navigation Controller],如下图所示:
这时候,我们就可以拖动相关控件到View Controller上。
4 导入第三方库
关联后,可以用command+B j进行编译,看有无错误。
5 代码逻辑编写
//// MyWebViewController.swift// swiftapp//// Created by Jackwang on 16/8/12.// Copyright © 2016年 Jackwang . All rights reserved.//import UIKitimport Alamofireimport SwiftyJSONimport ObjectMapperimport SCLAlertView;class MyWebViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var btnReLoad: UIBarButtonItem! @IBOutlet weak var btnBack: UIBarButtonItem! @IBOutlet weak var btnHome: UIBarButtonItem! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. btnHome.title = "首页"; //https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire Alamofire.request(.GET, "", parameters: ["uname": "admin","upwd":"EAS","api":"api.getUsers"]) .validate() .responseJSON { response in switch response.result { case .Success: print("Validation Successful") if let strJSON = response.result.value { print("JSON: \(strJSON)") //https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON let json = JSON(strJSON) print(json["Code"]) print(json["IsSuccess"]) print(json["Message"]) print(json["DTData"][0]["Name"]) //null if json["IsSuccess"].int != nil { print("Login Sucess") // Get started SCLAlertView().showInfo("Login Sucess", subTitle: "welcome to app") } if json["DTData"].string != nil { SCLAlertView().showInfo("Login data", subTitle: "welcome to app") } //SCLAlertView().showInfo("ok", subTitle: "welcome to app") } case .Failure(let error): print(error) } } } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } @IBAction func btnHomeTapped(sender: UIBarButtonItem) { print("GoHome") } @IBAction func btnReloadTapped(sender: UIBarButtonItem) { print("ReLoad") }}
6 编译运行
App Transport Security Settings
在其子项目下设置Allow Arbitrary Loads为YES.